The Enqueue (ENQ) panel allows authorized users to display active system enqueues. Enqueuing is the mechanism by which a program requests control of a serial reusable resource. The panel shows the major and minor names for the enqueuer, as well as the job name waiting for or holding the enqueue. Parameters on the ENQ command control which major and system names are shown. By default, only major SYSDSN enqueues on the local system are shown.
The ENQC command provides a convenient means of showing all enqueues with contention. That is, ENQC shows currently held enqueues that are required by another job.
The ENQD command provides a convenient means of showing all enqueues with major name SYSDSN and any minor name for all systems. You can specify an optional pattern on the ENQD command for the data set name (minor name for SYSDSN) to be processed. The default is userid, where userid is the user ID of the current user.
You have a special SDSF panel you can use:
Note that ENQD is at sysplex level.
The syntax of the ENQD command is as follows:
ENQD [data set name pattern]
where data set name pattern is optional and specifies the data set name to be processed. If omitted, the default is userid.*
where userid is the userid of the current user.
where data set name pattern is optional and specifies the data set name to be processed. If omitted, the default is userid.*
where userid is the userid of the current user.
Columns on the ENQ panel:
Column name | Title (Displayed) | Width | Description |
MINOR | MINOR | 52 | Minor name (RNAME). This is the fixed field. It is ignored if coded on an FLD statement or ISFFLD macro. Control characters are translated to periods. |
MAJOR | Major | 8 | Major name (QNAME). Control characters are translated to periods. |
REQTYPE | Req | 3 | Request type (SHR or EXC) |
JOBNAME | JobName | 8 | Job name holding or requesting enqueue |
ASID | ASID | 4 | Job name ASID (decimal) |
ASIDX | ASIDX | 6 | Job name ASID (hexadecimal) |
LEVEL | Level | 10 | Request level: ENQ-normal enqueuer, Reserve-hardware reserve, Global enq-hardware reserve converted to global enqueue |
SMC | SMC | 3 | Step must complete indicator |
SCOPE | Scope | 8 | Enqueue scope (step, system, systems, global) |
STATUS | Status | 6 | Resource status (own, wait) |
OWNERS | Owners | 6 | Number of resource owners for enqueuer |
WAITERS | Waiters | 7 | Number of tasks waiting for enqueue |
WAITEXC | WaitExc | 7 | Number of tasks waiting for exclusive use |
WAITSHR | WaitShr | 7 | Number of tasks waiting for shared use |
UNIT | Unit | 4 | Device address for reserves |
USERDATA | UserData | 32 | User data passed on ISGENQ |
REQTIME | ReqTime | 19 | Date and time of request |
ENQTOKEN | EnqToken | 64 | Enqueue token |
RNAMEL | RNameLong | 127 | Longer version of minor name, up to 127 characters. Control characters are translated to periods. |
SYSNAME | SysName | 8 | System name |
ISFEND | .END | 4 | End of list marker. All columns that appear after this column will be hidden. Ignored if specified on the ISFFLD macro in ISFPARMS. The title and width cannot be changed using the FLDENT statement or through the ARRANGE command. |